This is the Definition Programme: 10 weeks of support to define, prototype and test a solution for a specific challenge and to continue iterations of the work conducted during the discovery phase. The programme overview Notion page can be found here:
We are the Reply Cohort or catchily named "User Research and Prototyping 2". This Notion will cover the specifics of this particular Cohort. It will be kept up to date with the latest timelines, recordings from sessions and key contacts and links, so is a key part of how you will find out what's happening!
Important Information: Download the Playback template deck at the start of the programme and complete as you go along. You’ll use this deck to deliver and end of programme presentation to your cohort. You’ll need to upload your completed playback deck at the end of the programme to this folder. Make sure you add your organisation name to your slide decks name.
Update from CAST on Diversity and Inclusion